BEIJING - No sector better symbolizes China s shift from a nation of labor intensive manufacturing to one that excels in the high-tech field, than high speed rail (HSR) When the idea for a HSR network was raised over a decade ago, trains and supporting equipment had to be sourced from foreign companies, such as Japanese corporation Kawasaki, French firm Alstom and Germany s Siemens ...[more]

No.505 issue (2015.02.28)
China High Speed Rail

China lifted basic freight railway rates by one cent and allowed an upper floating rangeof 10 percent at most, the country s top economic planner announced Friday ...[more]

China exported 26 77 billion yuan ($4 36 billion) worth of railway equipment last year, surging22 6 percent year on year, according to data from the General Administration of Customs (GAC) In December alone, the export value came in at 2 81 billion yuan, a surge of 42 3 percent from the same period a year earlier ...[more]
?Gan-Shen passenger railway plans to be built ...[more]
Maitreya-mengzi railway project approved a total investment of 9 42 billion ...[more]
JingChuNing intercity rail feasibility report completed plans to invest 15 billion ...[more]
After Qingrong intercity railway, Qingdao high-speed rail, Qinglian railway starting to construct, the construction of Shandong railway gets a good news, which two intercity railways construction project of Lunan railway passenger channel approved by the country recently ...[more]
The Railway From Lhasa to Nyingchi Has Recently Started to ConstructeA total length of 402 km railway from Lhasa ...[more]
Technology and Standard
State Railroad Administration of China has approved the country& 39;s first standards of national high-speed railway ...[more]
CRSC applied 4G transmission technology to Shuohuang heavy haul railway successfully ...[more]
World s biggest power hybrid locomotives and dual fuel locomotives become available ...[more]
Sino-foreign Cooperation
Chinese Enterprises
On Dec 30,2014,CSR and CNRannounced a merger whichis the two biggest railway equipment manufacturing companies in China, which starts the development of rail transit industry in China in 2015 The merger of CSR and CNR is an important part of rail transit industry in 2015 In addition, as the gradually forming of railway backbone network,especially the high-speed rail,there will be more outstanding achievement in the construction of China rail ...[more]